Access Point information

Step 1: Entities

Registering a Company for Accesspoint Features

To utilize the Accesspoint features for a company and enable Peppol integration for sending invoices, a one-time registration call is required. This call will gather essential company information to create the account.


Below is an example JSON body for the registration call:


  • Endpoint: Host + "/v1/einvoices/registrations"
    "TaxIdentifier" : "BE123456789",
    "CompanyName" : "Tech Corp INC.",
    "CommercialName" : "Tech Corp",
    "TaxDeductable" : true,
    "TaxLiable" : true,
    "IBAN" : "BE1234567890",
    "Mobile": "+32 0499999999",
    "Email" : "[email protected]",
    "ContactFirstName" : "Jhon",
    "ContactLastName" : "Doe",
    "Language" : "EN",
    "Addresses": [
      "AddressType": "InvoiceAddress",
      "Tav": "Jhon Doe",
      "Name": "Tech Corp",
      "Street": "Tehc Street",
      "StreetNumber": "1",
      "Box": "Floor 1",
      "Zipcode": "1000",
      "City": "Tech City",
      "CountryCode": "BE",
      "Phone": "+32 0499999999"

Retrieve Registered Entities and Integrations

To retrieve information about registered entities and their active integrations or networks, you can use a GET request to the following endpoint:

GET Endpoint

  • Endpoint: Host + "/v1/einvoices/registrations"

This GET request to the specified endpoint will provide a response containing details such as company data, active integrations, networks, and their respective status.

    "Companies": [
            "CompanyID": 12345678,
            "CompanyDetails": {
                "TaxIdentifier": "BE1234567890",
                "CompanyName": "Tech Corp",
                "Addresses": [],
                "TaxDeductable": true,
                "TaxLiable": true,
                "Identifiers": []
            "Integrations": []
            "CompanyID": 987654,
            "CompanyDetails": {
                "TaxIdentifier": "BE1234567890",
                "CompanyName": "Food Corp",
                "Addresses": [],
                "TaxDeductable": true,
                "TaxLiable": true,
                "Identifiers": []
            "Integrations": [
                    "IntegrationID": 1234,
                    "Integration": "Peppol",
                    "IntegrationStatus": "Active",
                    "IntegrationStatusDescription": "",
                    "IntegrationDocumentToSign": ""

Deactivate Endpoint

  • Endpoint: Host + "/v1/einvoices/registrations/{RegistrationID}"

You can deactivate an account by using the deactivate endpoint. Provide the ID in the URL and we will deactivate the account.